On Sunday May 3rd, 1992, at 9.20pm, Nicholas Armstrong and his wife had parked their car on the A614. They left their car and went for a walk in the country-side. During this walk, Nicholas noticed a strange light coming from the South, heading North towards Mansfield.
During the ten minute observation, the two witnesses noticed that the whole object changed colour from orange/red, blue, green, and brilliant star white. Each of these colours threw a haze around the sphere shaped object. It also changed in brightness, and at times pulsated. It also changed in brightness, and at times pulsated. It also appeared to become stationary on two occasions during itÆs flight. The object didnÆt appear to fly in a straight line, it seemed to fly with an erratic wobble, except for while stationary.
It was a clear, warm night ( twilight ) with no wind. The couple were fascinated by the light, which resembled the L.E.D on an electronic display. The object was estimated ate 2/3 miles away.